Thu, Sep 22nd, 2011
Second-year Hocking College computer science students will share their skills and knowledge with senior citizens who enroll in a service-learning course in basic computer skills specifically targeted to their needs. The 10-week class begins October 3 from 3 - 5 p.m. in Shaw Lab on the Hocking College Campus.

Instructor Mark Yanko said there is no charge, but space is limited to 20 students, and he invites first-time participants to take part.

"This is a great opportunity for senior citizens to learn basic computer skills, Internet usage, e-mail and web page design through one-on-one instruction as seniors are paired with Hocking College students," Yanko said.

For more information or to register, contact Yanko at 740.753.6507. Space will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
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