Thu, Jul 21st, 2011
Hocking College School of Public Safety Services will offer a two-week law enforcement instructor training course from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. August 1 – 5 and August 8 – 12, 2011.

The course is designed as an introduction to contemporary adult learning theory and practical application in a law enforcement training environment.  Topics include theories of adult education, lesson plan development, platform skills, facilitative learning, small group problem solving, evaluation and measurement and use of training aids.  Students will be required to develop and present a 15-minute lesson plan, a 30-minute lesson plan and make a 45-minute presentation using a Ohio Police Office Training (OPOT) Commission–approved basic training lesson.  This course meets one of the requirements for certification as a unit instructor in OPOT Commission approved programs.

Preregistration is required by July 27, 2011, and seating is limited.  For registration information, please contact Tony Camechis at 740.753.6485 or Betty Dalton at 740.753.6451.

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