Fri, Feb 25th, 2011
The Hocking College Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program (DAAP) Team sponsored a poster contest with fifth grade students at Nelsonville-York Elementary School last month.

Students participating in the contest illustrated the theme “Refuse to Abuse.” First prize, and a $25 gift card, was awarded to Danielle Schultz.  Second prize award winner was Taylor Ferguson, third prize was Alyssa Davis, with Honorable Mention going to Haley Gillette.  Hocking College judges for the contest included George Petrovay Director of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Judicial Affairs; Dr. Guy Taylor, Choices Drug and Alcohol Diversion Program; and Rick McChristian, Choices Intern.

Founded in the fall of 2010, the DAAP Team has a simple yet positive mission statement:  To keep students at Hocking College safe, legal and informed. The DAAP Team, under the direction of Student Rights Responsibilities and Judicial Affairs, is staffed and operated by interns in the Choices Drug and Alcohol diversion program.  The team achieves these objectives with students by making clear to them the fundamental differences between use, abuse and dependence, thus enhancing the reward potential and personal satisfaction gained for making safe and positive choices when it comes to drug and alcohol consumption.

“The DAAP Team looks beyond the present and into the future, and continues to seek and achieve both positive and measurable progress by continuing its commitment to keep the student body of Hocking College, and the community that surrounds it, safe, legal and informed,”  Rebecca Johnson, DAAP Team Project Manager, said.
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