Mon, Feb 14th, 2011
By Giles Lee, Director of Co-Curricular Education

In an evening of great food from around the world, dancing and music, members of the Hocking community were invited to meet international students and learn something of their culture. Hocking President Dr. Ron Erickson unveiled a plaque to dedicate the Student Center Lobby as the Hall of Nations, where flags from around the world are displayed. The flags broadly represent the countries of the international students present on campus.

Screens have recently been added to the lobby that will include information on cross-cultural issues.  At present, Black History Month is the focus of the display. Hispanic and Native American history will be featured later this year. Holocaust Remembrance Day, Women's History and various health issues will also be highlighted.

We started the school year with speaker Frank Meeink, who told the story of his journey from a hateful Neo-Nazi to an advocate for cross-cultural harmony. In fall quarter, our students had the opportunity to see a traveling exhibit on the former Soviet Gulags, where millions of people were enslaved. In December, all were invited to a festive celebration of Holidays around the world where participants could learn about Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hanukkah and Diwali.

More cross-cultural events will be held as the year progresses and other items of interest will also be added to the Student Center lobby. Images from the Paralympics have been suggested in that they might tie all the themes in the Student Center together with inspirational pictures of people from around the world, overcoming various disabilities to compete in sports.

Displays of international currency, a wall of quotations that speak to issues of diversity and some sculptures are all ideas being considered for the Hall of Nations.

Landscaping around the Student Center is beginning to reflect the cross-cultural themes with native and exotic plants. The peace-poles at each end of the building display messages of peace in different languages. As we look ahead, we are adding events such as Global Cafe, an International Film Festival and celebrations for different world events. We also hope to have a Coordinator of Cross-Cultural Programming at some point in the future.
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