Tue, Oct 18th, 2011
Ted Hayes, Heavy Equipment Program Coordinating Instructor, five students and admissions staff attended Construction Career Days to promote the Heavy Equipment Program.

The two-day event was held on the grounds of the Butler County Fairgrounds, with more than 2,000 students from Butler County, the Cincinnati area and Kentucky in attendance.

Exhibitors from colleges and universities, trade schools, training program sponsors, construction contractors, construction supply and heavy equipment dealers, construction related companies and professional organizations, and youth advocacy/growth groups were represented at the event.

Our students, led by Ted Hayes, hosted an interactive information table complete with the Heavy Equipment simulator, Hocking admissions information and an interactive station featuring proper bobcat operations and techniques.

Thanks to students Robert Ruff, Damon Sargent, Tom Blackford, Earley Hill and L.B. McKinstry, along with Ted Hayes and admissions representative Crystal Howard for representing Hocking College at this important opportunity. 
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