Thu, Dec 15th, 2011
Members of Kappa Beta Delta, a business honor society at Hocking College, spread the holiday spirit this season.

The members participated in various fundraising events, such as selling poinsettias, a raffle and bake sale.  These events earned funds for the Kappa Beta Delta members to perform three service projects.

Members provided residents at Kimberly Meadows in Nelsonville, a senior apartment complex, with a luncheon and decorated their Christmas tree.  Additionally, members once again donated money to the Hocking County Rotary Club bicycle project.  

Finally, the last donation was to the Wesleyan Church in Nelsonville for their Outreach Program and kitchen.  The church donates boxes of food and gifts to help families in need for their holidays.  In addition to this Outreach Program, Kappa Beta Delta decided to help the church fund to replenish utensils needed for their kitchen that was destroyed by a fire in April.

Any Accounting, Business Management or Office Management student who would like to learn more about Kappa Beta Delta, contact Barbara Sunderlin, adviser, at 740.753.7157.
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