Tue, Jan 31st, 2012
The Hocking College Geology Club is a campus organization primarily for students in the GeoEnvironmental Science program, but the anyone may join.  Founded in the fall of 2009, the purpose of the Geology Club is to promote the advancement of Geology and GeoEnvironmental Science at Hocking College.

The group is active in community service and has volunteered with the Friends of the Hocking River, Raccoon Creek Watershed Partnership and the Salvation Army Bell Ringing Campaign.  The club also helps clean a two-mile section of State Route 691 in front of Hocking College through the Adopt-a-Highway program.

Throughout the year, the club holds fundraisers such as raffles and soup/bake sales to pay for their annual trip.  Each year the group takes a trip that is both educational and fun.  Last year, they went to Mammoth Cave National Park in central Kentucky.

The Geology Club meets every other Monday in NR120 (Geology Lab) at 2 p.m.  For more information, visit the club's Facebook page.
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