Thu, Feb 9th, 2012
Medical Mutual, Hocking College's insurance carrier, entered into a four-year scholarship donation plan with Hocking College, beginning with giving $10,000 to the John Light Scholarship fund Thursday, February 9, 2012.

Kim Blunt, Medical Mutual service representative for Hocking College, said Medical mutual has made a four-year commitment to donate $5,000 to the scholarship fund, the $10,000 payment going towards 2011 and 2012.  This is the second scholarship funding agreement Medical Mutual has had with Hocking.  The last agreement, which ended in 2010, provided $4,000 annually for four years.

The money donated by Medical Mutual will go towards building the endowment for the John Light Scholarship Fund, which is a Hocking College Foundation Scholarship.  No criteria have yet been established for awarding the scholarship.
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