Mon, Feb 27th, 2012
The Hocking College Music Entrepreneurship class raised $677.75 for two local charities through the Great Ten Dollar Entrepreneurial Challenge, an exercise implemented by Music Management program coordinating instructor Neal Schmitt.
Each student in Neal's class received $10 to invest in their own micro-businesses. Students were not permitted to spend any money starting their business, other than the $10 provided by Schmitt. After their initial $10 investment, students could use the profits from the first venture to invest in another as many times as they wanted. At the end of the challenge, the initial $10 investment had to be returned.
The challenge took place over four weeks, and students were required to keep records of their activities. Some of their activities included selling food and supplies to other students, creating and selling compilation compact discs, renting items to other students and other fundraisers.
This year's class raised $677.75 from $220 in seed money. The class decided to donate half of the money to the Athens Animal Shelter. The student who raises the most money is the winner of the challenge, and decides the charity that will benefit from the other half of the money. This year's winner chose the Nelsonville High School Marching Band.
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