Tue, Feb 28th, 2012
As part of a class project, Natural and Historical Interpretation student Lindsey Kraft has began work on cultivating a community wild berry garden at the Hocking College Nature Center.

The path to the Nature Center is currently overgrown with vines and invasive plant species, such as multiflora rose.  Kraft, along with Nature Center director Dave Sagan, have planned three phases to clear the area, plant berries and provide a space for the community to relax and enjoy the garden.  Kraft and Sagan are currently evaluating the site and clearing some of the unwanted plants.

Kraft would like the college and entire campus community to become involved in the project.  The community will be free to visit the garden at anytime and pick berries, as long as the area is kept clean.  Kraft is now writing a proposal for the Community Garden Grant, in which she hopes to fund the project.

Kraft and Sagan are looking for volunteers to help them clear and plant the land.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Lindsey Kraft at 856.383.9242 or Dave Sagan at 740.753.6326.
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