Tue, Mar 6th, 2012
Hocking College has entered into a partnership with the Tri-County Adult Career Center, to create "The Business Training Center," an expansion of local workforce development opportunities.

Director of the Adult Career Center Kim McKinley and Special Projects Coordinator Tanya Conrath have been meeting with Hocking faculty to discuss programs that could be offered by the Business Training Center, as well as publicizing the collaboration.  McKinley and Conrath have also represented Hocking at Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC) workforce division meetings and introduced the Business Training Center to the local business community.  McKinley has served as our representative in meetings with Rich Frederick, the executive director of the Governor's Office of Workforce Transformation.  

The new partnership will include a grant-funded training center with professional training and meeting spaces at a "business-friendly" site.  The state-of-the-art center will include a computer lab, video conferencing capability and other technology required by businesses for training and conferences. 

The Tri-County Adult Career Center offers a combination of cutting-edge training and flexibility to businesses interested in employee training and professionals who wish to take certification examinations. 

If you know of a business seeking training or workforce development assistance, please contact Kim or Tanya directly at 740.753.5465.
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