Mon, Jun 11th, 2012
Hocking College welcomed 779 new graduates to the ranks of alumni at two commencement ceremonies on Sunday, June 10 at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the Hocking College Student Center Multiplex.
In an effort to establish a new tradition at the Hocking College commencement ceremony, two students served as honorable commencement speakers.  Natural Resources Law Enforcement student Emily Carmack spoke during the morning ceremony about how change can build character.  She discussed her journey from high school to Hocking College, and emphasized the power of believing in oneself.
“One small decision now can change the rest of your life. Challenge yourself and be willing to take on what comes your way. If you have plans, great, but allow your plans to change, because life is constantly changing,” Carmack remarked.
In her address to the Hocking College Class of 2012 at the afternoon ceremony, Belinda Baldwin, Office Management graduate, encouraged her fellow students to take the next step.  
“I want all of you to realize that you will never know what’s possible if you don’t try.  Don’t let your fears or doubts keep you from achieving your dreams,” Baldwin commented during the afternoon ceremony.
Two years ago, Baldwin was displaced after working for 30 years. She detailed her decision to attend college for the first time at the age of 51, and her nervousness about fitting in.
“I am sure my story could be the story of many of you Hocking grads here today.  How many of you surprised yourself and sit here now, never having dreamed of going to college, let along getting a degree?” Baldwin concluded.
Additionally, Diana Spurgus was honored with the Hocking College Distinguished Alumni Award.  Spurgus has over 25 years of information technology experience and holds two associate degrees, in Accounting and Computer Science, from Hocking College.  She went on to complete a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, a Masters Degree in Business Administration and is both a CPA, and a Certified Information Technology Professional.    She has been the owner and CEO of Business System Solutions Inc. (BSSI) in Lancaster since 1997, a computer consulting business for small and mid-sized employers.  
“Diana serves as Vice Chairman of the Hocking College Foundation, and is a driving force behind current efforts to establish an active and engaged Alumni Association for the College.  She represents the very best qualities we hope to instill in our graduates, and has generously brought those qualities back to us, to help us in attracting more alumni to participate in the life of Hocking College,” Dr. Ron Erickson, Hocking College President, stated.
Although Spurgus could not be present for the ceremonies, she provided the audience with a video acceptance speech.  
Student award recipients included Tabitha Craft, Excellence in Student Employment; Victoria Peake, Richard Elston Award; Shane Hess and Lindsey Kraft, Student Life Award; Kenneth Bannister and Belinda Baldwin, Trustee’s Student Excellence Award; and the “We are One-Hocking” Award, Domestic Recipient, Tim Davis and International Recipient, Loise Ouma.
School of Health and Nursing and School of Natural Resources students graduated at the 10:30 a.m. ceremony.  Students of the Energy Institute; McClenaghan Center for Hospitality Training; School of Arts and Sciences; School of Engineering Technologies, School of Business and Computer Information; and School of Public Safety Services graduated at the 2:30 p.m. ceremony.
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