Tue, Aug 21st, 2012
Congratulations to the following faculty and staff who have earned these awards:

Excellence in Service Awards
Michelle Armas
Students describe Michelle as always willing to help and go the extra mile, a good listener, dependable, courteous and professional.  She is the admissions office at Perry Campus and exceeds all expectations.

Kristi Kozma
Through her work with the Access Center, Kristi has one of the most challenging assignments in the college.  She is described as unflappable, resourceful, serious minded, a tenacious student advocate and an artful liaison.

Jan Six
As part of the administrative computing team, Jan is dedicated, hard-working, is a role model and always there when needed.  His supervisor commented, "I don't know of a single person, whether student, faculty or staff who does not like and respect this person."

Excellence in Instruction Awards
Kim Caudill
Kim's passion for teaching GeoEnvironmental Science is infectious.  She is described as an amazing instructor, providing a tremendous amount of hands-on material and extending her office hours to make sure students get help and are successful.

Dr. Mike Caudill
Mike, also a GeoEnvironmental Science instructor, makes confusing subjects fascinating and easy to understand, according to his students.  He is an exceptionally smart man who makes himself available to students at all times and is always willing to lend a hand.

Marty Hanlin
Marty is an instructor in the E-Commerce and Web Design program.  He has a unique way of connecting with each and every student.  He inspires confidence in his students to believe in their own abilities.
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