Wed, Sep 3rd, 2014

Hocking College employees were recently recognized for excellence during the Faculty and Staff Start Week awards luncheon on August 18, 2014. Students and peers nominated faculty and staff for either the Excellence in Service or Excellence in Instruction Award. Nominations were also solicited for the Curtis Miles Service Award and Beth McKenzie Award.

The winners of the Excellence in Service Award were Carrie Arnold, Michael Whittemore, Jennifer Yanity, Loretta Whaley and Todd Whited. Hocking College non-instructional staff who have been employed for at least one year and have not won in the past five years are eligible for nomination.

The winners of the Excellence in Instruction Award were Mark Cullen, Jean Libbon, Ken Temple, Kathy Pittman and Scott Dunfee. Any Hocking College full-time or part-time faculty who has been employed for one full year and has not won the award in the past five years is eligible for nomination.  

Carla Ryan-Hirst was honored with the Curtis Miles Service Award. This award recognizes Hocking College employees who have distinguished themselves by helping people in need. All Hocking employees who have provided service to the community are eligible for nomination. Ryan-Hirst has contributed to the success of numerous global and community service projects including Soles4Souls, an initiative to collect shoes for families in need. She was also part of the 2012-2013 book drive to deliver books to underprivileged children in Africa.

New this year, the Beth McKenzie Award recognizes notable work in administration. The inaugural Beth McKenzie Award winner was Dr. Carl Bridges, Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs and Provost. Congratulations to all of the winners!

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