Mon, Nov 24th, 2014

The Student Team and Academic Recognition System (STARS) award ceremony, honoring outstanding student and group achievements from the spring and summer 2014 terms, was held Thursday, November 6, 2014. Presenters Giles Lee, Director of Co-Curricular Activities; Hocking College Interim President Dr. Betty Young and Hocking College faculty members Kathleen Temple Miller and Julie Gee helped honor the recipients.

The Fitness Management program received the "Most Outstanding Contribution to Campus and Community" award for their work with the "Pump N Run." This award recognizes a project that made a positive impact on campus or community life. The Fitness Management students organized this event, which included a 5K and 1.5-mile run and bench press repetitions. The event awarded top winners and encouraged participants to stay fit and active.

Julie Gee presented the "Green Award," to Jason Szotesk for his work on the Cascade Arbor Walk in Cascade Park, Hudson, Ohio.

The "Black Tie Tea" received the "We Are One Hocking Award for Cross-Cultural Understanding." The award honors outstanding efforts in the area of cross-cultural education and community unification.

Dean's List recipients were also honored at the event.

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