Tue, Mar 31st, 2015

Hocking College was recently featured in Environmental Education Council of Ohio's spring newsletter. This newsletter goes out to more than 10,000 teachers and more than 400 environmental educators around the state.

A profile of Hocking alumni Shawn Ford and an overview of Hocking College's School of Natural Resources is featured.

In addition to the Ford profile, the newsletter discusses the programs in the School of Natural Resources and the places graduates get jobs. It is mentioned that Hocking College graduates more conservation professionals than any other two-year program in the country.

Ford graduated from Hocking College in 2011 with a degree in Geoenvironmental Science. He is currently a full-time Project Scientist with Partner Engineering and Science, working on environmental assessments, property condition assessments and asbestos inspections.

Hocking College was the only two-year college showcased in the newsletter among many universities such as: Denison, Findlay, Miami University, University of Mount Union, University of Toledo, Ohio University, Case Western Reserve University and Ohio State.

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