Mon, May 4th, 2015

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine made his first visit to Hocking College last week, touring the Nelsonville Campus and learning about several programs.

The visit to the campus was partially spurred by DeWine's curiosity, as he and his wife give scholarships each year to students from his area. As he explained, each year there is someone in the scholarship pool who mentions Hocking College as
somewhere they  are considering attending, so, he decided to see the college first hand to better assist those students in determining if it is the right place for them.

DeWine said he has a particular interest in the law enforcement, natural resources law enforcement and other programs. During the tour of the campus, DeWine met with cadets in the 100th Police Academy and talked to each about their background and why they were in the program.

DeWine learned about natural resources law enforcement and visited the horse barn. He also visited the fire ground, watching Fire Science students being tested on skills and talking to students and faculty members.

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