Tue, May 12th, 2015

Hocking College welcomed approximately 850 graduates to the ranks of alumni at three ceremonies on Friday, May 8, 2015 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the Hocking College Student Center Multiplex in Nelsonville, Ohio.

Three students served as the honorable commencement speakers, beginning with Chase Cincos at Friday evening’s ceremony.

Cincos, a Fitness Management student, told the story of how he was born with one arm, made fun of as a child and lost his way in life then before getting back on track and coming to Hocking to pursue his dream of becoming a strength and conditioning coach.

At the Saturday morning ceremony, Geo-Environmental student Brittany Johnson talked about her growing conscience regarding the environment and her decision to enter the field of conservation. As the largest producer of conservationists in the United States, Brittany spoke passionately to motivate the Hocking College Natural Resources graduating class to go out into the field and make the huge changes needed to turn around major environmental issues threatening our planet.

Closing the commencement ceremonies on Saturday afternoon, Sandy Ranier gave her amazing story of a near-death experience, illness, having a family member die of an overdose and how this led her to the addiction studies program. Drawing from her own life story, Sandy spoke about the lessons she has learned to the graduating class and challenged her follow students to use their skills and knowledge for the betterment of society.

During each ceremony, one student was presented with the Trustees Student Excellence Award, the highest honor a student can achieve. The three award winners were Chase Cincos, Brittany Johnson and Nicholas Mesmer.

Other student award recipients included Shauna Holmes, Samantha Williams, Jenna Ferguson and Nick Mesmer for Excellence in Student Employment; Aleczander Garlick, Whitney Lumley and Nozgekani Nyasulu for the We Are One Hocking Cross Cultural Award; Jenny Merrit, Alyssha Beuhler, Alix Flint and Kaitlyn Liptka for the Student Life Award; and Chase Cincos, Brittany Johnson and Daniel Hook for the Richard Elston Leadership Award.

Graduates of the School of Health and Safety received diplomas at the 7 p.m. ceremony. Graduates of the School of Natural Resources graduated at the 10:30 a.m. ceremony. The 2:30 p.m. ceremony graduated students from the School of Hospitality, Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Technology and the School of Arts and Sciences. 

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