On September 24, 2010, alumni Ryan Seitz '04 was killed in the line of duty. Last year, a Dist-inguished Service Award from the Vinton County Fire Department and community was presented to Seitz's family as a way to remember his remarkable sacrifice.

Seitz was a young firefighter and had been a member of the McArthur Fire Department for just two months when he responded to a call for mutual aid at a Londonderry brush fire. More than 100 firefighters were working through hot, windy conditions when a pressurized tank exploded striking Seitz in the chest, killing him instantly.
The 26-year-old had a friendly smile, an outgoing personality and an enthusiasm for life that made him well-liked by everyone who knew him. He earned an associate's degree from Hocking College in Computer Networking.
"Ryan epitomized what it means to be part of a community. He was kind to others, he was willing to reach out and do something for another person, even if it wasn't convenient for him. He wanted to be a good neighbor and a good citizen," Brandi Betts, Vinton County Marketing Director, said.
The Vinton County community is remembering Seitz in a variety of ways. A plaque has been dedicated to him, along with a 5K run/walk to raise money for the Ryan Seitz Memorial Fund. A portion of Route 50 was also renamed in his honor.

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