Jeremy Hurlburt and Nick Moore prove that hard work pays off after opening and running their own business this past year. Hurlburt and Moore, both recent Hocking graduates, followed their dreams and opened Hocking Valley Mechanics in October 2013 in Logan, Ohio.

Hurlburt and Moore attended the Logan campus of Hocking College where they studied and graduated from the Automotive Hybrids program this past year. Hurlburt also spent time studying in the Advanced Energy program and graduated with a double major.

Although the two only knew each other for about a year before starting the business, they shared a long history and strong passion for the automotive industry and worked together to create a successful business. Located off Freeman Road in Logan, Hocking Valley Mechanics offers just about anything and everything to automobile owners in need.

Hulbert encourages fellow Hocking students and alumni by saying, "It's not easy, but don't give up." Hurlburt and Moore say they hope to expand and attract more business in the future. They also have plans to offer U-Haul services.


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