The purpose of due process is to ensure fair and equitable treatment for employees, eliminate
dissatisfaction and resolve problems at their point of origin so that constructive, work-producing
relationships may be maintained.
An employee who has a complaint arising from a misinterpretation, misapplication, or claim of violation
of policy, condition of employment, rule or regulation may initiate a formal grievance.
Non-grievable issues are:
1. Performance Appraisals;
2. Termination during a probationary period;
3. The number of terminations due to a reduction in force.
To be processed, grievances must be presented within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the
claim violation occurred, or the date the grievant should have known of its occurrence. There is a
fourteen (14) calendar day interval for each response at each level. The grievant may advance the
grievance to the next step if unsatisfied with the response.
Cross References:
1. Professional, Support and OPBA Bargaining Unit Contracts