Students on college campuses face an ever-increasing amount of stress and anxiety as
the pressure for their success becomes equally matched. These stressors come in many
forms but all have a substantial impact on the student's ability to persist in a
collegiate atmosphere. Creating a learning-centered environment in your classroom
can help to reduce some of these stressors. Students in a supportive classroom are
able to step outside of their personal boundaries without fear. Your role in this
process as an educator is to ensure that you are setting the expectations of
behavior for your classroom and learning environment from the first day forward.
Progressive Response to Classroom Disruption
For minor disruption, approach the student and ask them to discontinue the
problem behavior. Often times, students are aware of the disruption that they
are causing
Use this opportunity to talk to the student one-on-one and outline
the impact that their behavior is having on other individuals
For repeated disruption or disruption that significantly impedes on the course
content delivery, ask the student to leave the class/lab/learning environment
for the day
Ensure that you follow-up with your Dean and Department Chair if a
student has been asked to leave the class
If for any reason, a student demonstrates threating gestures or behavior,
contact the Hocking College Police Department at 740.753.6598
If you are personally unable to contact HCPD, ask a member of your
class to contact them with the location of the incident
Tips and Suggestions for Classroom Management
Don't tolerate the behaviors, but don't take the behavior personally. Inform
students early on exactly what behaviors will and will not be tolerated. If
a student choses to violate those expectations, inform them of the ramifications
of those violations
Most inappropriate behaviors are not seriously disruptive and can be addressed
with a simple intervention with the student before the behavior escalates
Stick to your syllabus and class policies regarding student expectation of behavior
You might want to add a section to your syllabus about appropriate classroom
behavior if you have not yet added one
Keep in mind that some behaviors are annoying, but usually harmless
Realize that in many cases, it's a maturity issue or a lack of academic preparation
/ socialization prior to coming to campus
Remind student that other students are attempting to learn the material and that they
are not the only one paying to be present
Pull them aside out of class or after class and talk with them
Counsel the student on the benefits of discontinuing the behavior
This phrasing may be helpful. (You can insert other annoying behaviors here.)
"I understand that you have a lot to say, but your constant talking is disrupting
the class for the other students. I don't want to have to separate you, but
I will if necessary."
Talk with colleagues for ideas.
Keep in communication with your Dean or Department Chair if you are concerned
Document the meetings you have with your students and make reports to
Student Conduct for consistent behavior problems.